We celebrated our anniversary on Saturday night by going here and here. I recommend both. We had these blue cheese fries at Joey's that were amazing. We tried lobster for the first time and we both really liked it.
I haven't officially started working yet so I'm taking these next few days to clean, organize, scrapbook, try new recipes, read, take pictures, and relax. I haven't scrapbooked in so long, and part of that is because my room has been a disaster. Getting organized will change that so it's my first priority. It's half way done, I just need to finish it.
That's all for now. Nothing too exciting. Just enjoying my Summer.
Joey's looks super fun and swanky!! Glad you got to celebrate your 4th in style!! And isn't lobster the best!! Yum yum!! :)
Woo hoo for 4 years! A beautiful and fun couple indeed! ALSO CONGRATS ON YOUR FUN NEW JOB AND INTERSHIP! Wow what a blessing!
You've got wonderful things going on! Congratulations on 4 years. In this world, staying happily married is no easy task, but when you've got two wonderful people working at it, blessings follow. Hey, the diamond in my ring "floats" too :D Funny... :) You can read some of our anniversary story on my blog...look in the older posts, April 16th :)
I wish I could come scrapbook with you Friday night. Maybe next time! Enjoy!
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