Just stopping in to share some cards I made the other night. I couldn't sleep (because it was so hot...this coming from an Arizona girl...but at least there everyone has AC! I still find it surprising that AC is a rarity here in Washington) so I got out of bed and put together these cards. They are super simple. I like to have cards on hand so I don't have to throw them together at the last minute.
I had a scrapbook night on Friday night. I have some pictures I want to share from that, as well as what I made (or started to make...I didn't get too far) but I have to wait until my computer is working a bit better.
I just finished One More Day by Mitch Albom last night. I liked it. It was a really quick read with a good message. There were lots of good one-liner quotes that I found very meaningful and wanted to copy down.
Has anyone else read any good books lately? I am all about reading non-required books this Summer. Others on my list: The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards, The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom, and The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I also want to read Stolen Innocence by Elissa Wall (about her experiences growing up in a FLDS Polygamist sect, as well as Escape by Carolyn Jessop, which is supposed to be a similar account). I would love to hear feedback about these books if you have read them or any other good books you have read. Enable me!
have you read The Alchemist? Its an awesome book, very inspiring. It was given to me when I graduated HS and now I give it to everyone who graduates, because it was so cool to read at that time in my life.
You can borrow mine if you want. Cant wait for Thursday! You are the best!
I didn't really like The Memory Keeper's Daughter that much. I didn't hate it or anything, but the depressing quality of it is pretty much there the entire book, and that's too much for me. The movie (on lifetime) I liked better because then it's only 2 hours of depressing stuff instead of a whole book's worth. I feel the same way about the Kite Runner.
I am reading the book The Last Lecture and it is very inspiring. I am also reading the book Escape and it is a very interesting read.
I have heard Time Traveler's Wife is good and may read that next.
check out my blog. i made a post there about book suggestions cuz my comment was so long. thanks for asking about this--i LOVE books!!! reading is my absolute favorite passtime (? is that saying it right) have fun with it. Oh yea...i really like the cards you made. the last one (thoughts of you) is my favorite. you have so much talent.
I asked the same question last week about books...I'm always up for suggestions. I've read the first two on your list of books to read and I liked both of them. I agree with mel though I didn't love The Memory Keeper's Daughter, but it was still good. I just read the Twilight series and thought they were pretty good.
which book did you get just get done with?
For One More Day by Mitch Albom.
Love the last card. I love the sewn look...I've done it a couple of times but I hate getting my machine out. How have you been?
Your cards are LOVELY as always!! :)
I have read the five people you meet in heaven and thought it was really interesting. I also want to read the alchemist, and wednesday letters. Anyways, hope you enjoy your summer reads!!
LOVE the thoughts of you card! so cute!
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