Someday I will have an amazing bedroom that is cute and clean and actually feels like a sanctuary. I can picture it in my mind and I'm pretty excited about it.
Someday I will *usually* have a clean kitchen without any clutter (as opposed to usually having a messy kitchen with dishes in the sink).
Someday I will catch up on Oliver's baby book (working on it but way behind).
I will plan meals and actually have time to prepare them on days other than Sundays.
I will start up our photography business again and get a website up.
Someday I will be done with school. Forever.
Someday we will go to Hawaii. Or on a cruise. Or to Ireland. Or all three.
Someday we will also go to Russia (to visit Wendel's mission) and Australia (to visit my mission). Oh yes, we will.
We will own a mini van.
I will scrapbook again.
Someday I will lose the rest of this lingering baby weight and I will look good in a swimming suit again (okay, maybe that second part is too much to ask for...I will take looking good in jeans again).
Someday I will be an adoption caseworker or work in the adoption field in some capacity (ideally working part time while our kids are in school).
Someday I will read for fun again.
Someday I will never have to write another paper as long as I live (and then I will probably realize that I kind of miss it).
I will be a really good photographer. I will push myself beyond what I am capable of now (or maybe I will just be okay with my current skill level because other things and people will be more important).
Someday I want to learn how to sew and quilt.
But for today, I am really happy with my life. It's a beautiful life and I'm grateful to be living it.
This blog posting made my heart happy. I love you guys, Ashley!
And for the record: I don't miss writing papers. At all. ;) Besides, as an adoption caseworker, you'll write enough homestudies and reports to keep you satisfied if you do get the writing bug!
I am so happy to be your mother. Your somedays will happen, and then you will wonder how life passed by so quickly. I love you so much.
I love this post. It hits home for me. As "someday" gets closer for me I really wish "yesterday" didn't go so fast. Enjoy today for all that it is, learn what you can from it. Thanks for the reminder to enjoy where I am right now a little more.
i love your goals. just in case you haven't noticed, you're already an AWESOME photographer so i beg to differ with you.
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