It is quite a task trying to take a decent picture with my SLR in one hand while holding a squirmy 5-month-old in another. These photos are far from being technically perfect but I absolutely love them because they capture me and him right now. I can't look at them without smiling. Any photo that can make me do that is perfect to me.
He can't possibly get any cuter can he? I love that you're capturing those sweet times with him. I'd love to see some of him & dad too. =) You look great by the way.
So cute...I love them all! I cannot believe how big Oliver is getting, he is such a cutie!
#4 is my favorite! :)
He can't possibly get any cuter can he? I love that you're capturing those sweet times with him. I'd love to see some of him & dad too. =) You look great by the way.
I love them, you did a great job!!
there are really no words to express how beautiful the two of you are.
such a cutie! and he's growing so fast! You guys should come down and visit us more often so Oliver and Connor can play...
:) Hope you guys are surviving!
those are sooo cute ab! you are such an amazing mom. I love it!!!
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