2. I am feeling like I have the energy to go forward because we had a nice, relaxing break over Christmas in Long Beach, WA. We actually opened our Christmas presents at 1:30am on Christmas Eve (because when will we ever be able to do that again? Never.), slept in on Christmas morning (because that is what we love to do), got up and made a yummy breakfast, played some Mario on our Wii (my brother gave us the Mario game for Wii, which is really fun) and then we headed out to Long Beach, where we spent the next five days. We slept in every day, read books (W read Frankenstein, which was really depressing and I read Tuesdays with Morrie, which was very inspirational and touching), we worked on a puzzle, watched Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea, swam in the indoor pool, watched Buffy, made food, went out to eat, went to bed when we were tired, I did yoga, we took pictures...essentially we relaxed, which was so nice and needed. It was fun to have that last little vacation together before our little guy is born.

The scenery was so pretty there, we had to do a little photo shoot with ourselves. We set up our tripod and had some fun.

3. I am finishing up the last of client photo shoots and then we aren't booking any more until I'm done with grad school (other than a few special exceptions). I'm sure I will miss it in a way but I also think it will be good to have a break from it for a while. There is no way it can fit into my life right now. I have been updating our photography site with shoots if you want to take a peek. (Many more to come - I'm very behind with posting.)
4. I still need to post about our 5th Annual Holiday Gala and how special W made Christmas for me this year. Hopefully soon.
I feel more relaxed just hearing about your trip. What a great way to set the stage for this next chapter. I'm sure you'll do great in school--you certainly have a supportive husband to help you along the way. Good luck!
I love your tripod-self-photoshoot! Talk about success :) What a beautiful pregnant woman you are!
I LOVE the pictures you did of yourselves...you guys are just so cute together. =] It sounds like you had an awesome vacay, too. Glad you were able to do it before all the craziness of school and baby starts up!
Sweet trip! Ron and I didn't really have a babymoon because I was saving up all of my vacation for maternity leave... We missed you in AZ, but it looks like you guys had a great Christmas anyway. :) Love you!
Glad you got a babymoon! We didn't cuz I was working while pregnant and like Britney, was saving those days off for maternity leave. You're so brave to take on grad school and being a brand new mom! I'm sure you'll do great at both!
I'm soooo glad you got a nice break to just relax. I hope your first day of grad school was good! And if it all becomes too much, your boss can live without you- even if it's before the baby comes. :) You'll do great no matter what happens.
beautiful pictures! you are amazing. good luck with grad school...that is amazing too!
So glad you got to have a "babymoon". That's the first time I've heard that term.
I love the pic with the blue & red shed? behind you & the red scarf. Gorgeous!
Glad you figured out a way to make everything work out with waiting for more photo shoots. Can't wait to see one with your baby though. =)
It was fun reading your blog and hearing about your relaxing Christmas. I loved the pictures you guys took. Wendels hair is getting long. It was fun seeing you last weekend.
I'm in love with these photos of you and you're cute belly.
"your cute belly"
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