Giveaways are always fun and I could personally use a bit of fun with this dreary weather and relentless cold. It's almost more fun on the giving side too. I have an extra copy of You're Invited idea book. I have a fun little invitation in here and there are tons of cute ideas throughout this book. Leave me a comment and tell me something you're looking forward to this Spring...maybe how you plan to spend your days, a fun activity you have planned, it could be food-related...anything to do with Spring. I will draw a name on Friday.
I also wanted to mention that I have a brand new Nikon SB-400 Speedlight Flash for sale. It has never been used or even removed from the box. We shoot with a Canon so we have no need for it. If you are interested, you can email me or leave a comment. You can see the listing for it on Craigslist here. ETA: The flash has been sold.

And last but not least I finally finished editing pictures of these cuties. You can see my favorites here.
No one is commenting? Well, I am planning to buy a new grill and BBQ as long as I can this year. We had to leave our grill in MN when we moved last year and it has been killing us. Everytime I smell someone BBQ-ing on a nice day it is torture!
Well babies have to do with spring, right? That's definitely what I'm looking forward to. And I'd love to have that flash, but don't really have the money for it now. :-P And those girls - ADORABLE!
Oooh, I love cute invitations--they set the perfect tone for a party.
Spring..I can't wait! No big plans...just being able to go on walks and play outside! It will be great to get out of the house! Love the pictures of those are amazing!
I'm looking forward to seeing my first Spring training game in AZ and opening day baseball (diamondbacks!)
Pick me! Pick me! I'm dying to look through this book. On tap for this London's Baby Blessing Brunch the first of May, with both sides of the family...see...I could really use the ideas :)
I can't wait for the tulip festival. I love it!!!!
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