Thankfully, Squeak is pulling through. He still wasn't feeling too great yesterday (as you can see from the picture on the left of him laying on W's arm). He stayed "in bed" (on his pillow on our bed) all day. We had to force-feed him water with a syringe again. But then last night he started bathing himself. This morning he tried to jump up on the bathroom sink to get some water (he only drinks running water) but didn't quite make the jump. We lifted him up and he drank. He hasn't done this on his own in almost a week. We were pretty excited. Today he followed me into my office and jumped up on my desk, a favorite spot of his (as pictured on the right). He's going to make it. We sure do love him and we're so relieved that he's feeling better.
He looks so sweet. I am glad he's feeling better.
I am so glad he is feeling better!
Yay Squeak!
i'm glad your cat is on the mend. what was wrong with him? sadly, our kitty, thomas, was shot and died. the kids miss him...as do the neighbors, funny enough. he was a great cat for the two years we had him.
Ab, Squeak looks so much better and so at home by your computer. I am so glad he is doing better.
Yea Squeak!
Oooh! That is SO sad! Poor guy! Keep giving him TLC and he'll be better in no time =0)
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