Have you seen this movie? I am rarely one to see movies in the real theater and instead usually wait until they hit the dollar theater or video store, so I didn't see this movie until recently. It really was so touching. I cried through a lot of it. Dakota Fanning does such a fabulous job. It's not just a girly movie - I think guys might like it too. (Admittedly, I haven't read the book, so I don't have that to compare it to, but on its own it was excellent.) Go see it at your local dollar theater or rent it when it hits the video stores. You'll be glad that you did.
I have really been wanting to see this movie. Thanks for the review...I'll for sure see it now!
Thanks for the recommendation, I'll be sure to rent it when it comes out on DVD! I like a lot of Dakota Fanning's movies.
Oh that movie did look good one when I saw the preview for it! I will for sure check it out now!! Thanks for sharing your review on it! :)
ps: I love that new pic of you! You look great!! and I really like that quote you have on your sidebar. {not so sure how new they are because I have been slacking at the whole blog thin. But just thought I'd let you know}!
I haven't seen it yet or read the book either. Its on my list right now of books "to read". Thanks for the review!
Oh, Ash. You absolutely MUST read the book. It's truly beautiful. Seriously. I'll send you my copy if you want.
I happened to almost 'fall' into a ticket for this show at the Toronto Film Festival in Sept 08. My mom and I thought we try to see if tickets were available and two people walked up to us and sold their seats.
We ran and got in... just in time to see the entire cast lined up on the stage in front of us before the show! So fabulous!!!
Great movie - love Dakota!
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