So our car stopped working the other day. I was just driving along, about to turn onto our street and it stopped. We think it's the timing belt. So we've had our truck between the two of us, which wouldn't be bad except I transport children as part of my job so I have to have a vehicle. Anyway, that was unfortunate event #1. Then yesterday, W went to the store to get some batteries before I went to work. I had to leave at 12:00 and at 11:40 he called me and told me he had accidentally locked the keys in the truck. It was a little stressful but luckily my friend Melanie was nice enough to take me to the store with my keys so I could unlock the truck. That was the second unfortunate event. Then last night, Melanie and I went walking and lo and behold, when we got back to my truck, I realized I had locked my keys inside. Seriously! I couldn't even believe it. It was even worse since she knew about the earlier incident and was the person who helped us out then. So I had to ask her, once more, to take me to my house to get the other set of keys. It's been crazy. It makes me realize how much I take for granted having two vehicles and also that I haven't locked my keys in the car for ten years. I really think the last time was when I was a nanny in Minnesota. I guess when it rains it pours.

Also, today is my birthday. I seriously cannot even believe I am 29. Not sure how that happened. I got my hair cut this morning and took this picture in the mirror after with my camera phone. I have the day off of work and it's so nice to just hang out at home, scrapbook, read, and relax.
Last year I made a layout with 28 things I wanted to accomplish before I turn 29. You can see it by clicking
here. I accomplished quite a few of the things on the list. There were 7 things I didn't do and a couple I did mostly or partially. The first one, go to Canada, was all planned out and then we got sick that week. But overall, I got most of these things accomplished. I might make another layout for this year. Kind of a fun way to list out my goals.
Also, can everyone see my links / sidebar to the right? Since I've been making my pictures bigger, things have been a little weird. I can see them, but let me know if you can't.
Update: If you view my blog in Firefox, it looks normal. If you view it in Internet Explorer, the sidebar is gone. So weird. I'm trying to figure out how to fix it.
Yay!! Happy Happy Birthday to you!!!
... Sorry about the car problems though... Hope you day is still great !!!
... It's so fun that we have the same b-day! Love it!!
Hi Ashley, I can't see the links on the side but more importantly...Happy Birthday!!
oh wait...I found them...they are on the bottom of your page...left hand side.
now they are at the top of the page...left hand side!
Hope you had fun! Sorry about your unfortunate events!
Happy Birthday! Sorry for all your unforuntate events. I hope you had a good day yesterday...I love that idea for goals on your birthday. Good job!
Happy Birthday! Sorry for all your unforuntate events. I hope you had a good day yesterday...I love that idea for goals on your birthday. Good job!
you are thee most creative person i know- im so lucky to have you as my big sister!!!! happy birthday ab- sry bout the bad luck.. things will get better
hey happy birthday late! sorry i thought for some reason your birthday was sometime in june. i have been a slacker in the blogging world lately. hope your b-day was great! glad all the crazy stuff happened after your b-day.LOL you make me smile. p.s. i can't see your sidebar just as you said. funny thing is--the other day when you posted about the bigger pics i swear it was there.
Happy b-day a few days ago! And congrats on accomplishing so much! Wahoo!! That is something that I should do!?!
Sorry to hear about the mutliple lock outs! Too funny and too sad at the same time. I agree, when it rains, it poors. But then always remember, there is always a rainbow at the end!! =0)Best of wishes on the upcoming year!
Hope you had a great birthday! Hopefully the 'rain' stopped long enough for you to enjoy it :) I love your 28 things to do idea. And your baby blocks on your last entry were ADORABLE!!!
happy happy birthday!!! i can see your links and i'm using safari
It's way past your birthday, but happy birthday. I hope you had a wonderful day.
happy belated birthday! i think that is awesome that you made that layout ... and that you managed to accomplish so many things on your list! very cool idea!
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