Today is the one-year anniversary of my blog! I really cannot believe it has been a year - time has gone by so fast this past year. In honor of my little blog, and to thank all of you who stop by, I'm going to do a little drawing. I have an extra copy of Paper Trends December / January issue (I have a fun altered project in it) and I will also throw in a few other scrapin goodies. And don't worry - this issue isn't just all about Christmas and Holiday stuff - there is also lots of other fun stuff in it. It is also not all about scrapbooking. It has ideas for lots of things you can do with paper - invitations, cards, altered projects, gifts, etc. so still enter even if you aren't a scrapbooker. So leave me a comment if you want to be in the drawing. I will draw a name on Wednesday. (If you don't live near me, I will ship the stuff to you.) ETA: You can leave a comment even if you don't have a blog. Just click on the comments link below this post and choose "other" or "anonymous" - but be sure to leave your name so if I pick you I know who the winner is.
In other news, I sang a duet today. I can mark that off of my goal list - yay! It was scary, I tell you. There were 100+ people there, all staring and Crystal and me. I seriously thought I was going to fall over because I was shaking so much. I didn't think my legs would hold me up. Any time I made eye contact with anyone this wave of nervousness washed over me. But we did it and I think it was okay. (So thanks, Crystal, for talking me into it.)
We are getting ready to go up to Seattle for W's work party. Should be fun. Have a great weekend!
Wow! Congrats on making it through your first year of blogging!! I discovered your blog a few weeks ago and I love the projects I've seen! Here's to many more in the year to come...
Double congrats to you!! I love your projects so much...it would be a thrill to see them up close in person (somewhat!). Have a great weekend :)
Hi Ashley, It's Julie from Mesa wright from Mesa. Anyways, I just got into this whole blogging thing too..I love yours and will visit it often. Congrats on the duet...you know I am not a very shy or timid person but that is something I could NEVER do.
I so enjoy reading your blog...I think I am a blog-aholic!
Congrats on your 1st year :)
Jody from N.Y.
You're so awesome! Did you have your duet video taped? I want to see it. I love you (and your blog) lots, girlie.
Congats on the pub!
Hey Ashley! This is Kari Schneider (Leslie's friend from AZ!) and I was just checking up on what you're been creating and found your blog! How fun is this!??! I'll have to add this to my favorites so I can keep up with all of the cool things that you're doing! I wish you were closer...I would love to spend more scrapbooking time with you! -Kari
Ooh- I want in. Great job on the duet- I wasn't there but I heard you did well. I like your blog, too.
Congrats on your duet!! That's seriously awesome! Good for you! I would have never had the guts, plus I KNOW I CAN'T SING to save my life. ha ha.
... Also congrats on the 1 year blog anniversary!! And then on yet another publication! I'm sure your project is super cute just like all your other stuff!
Hi Ashley,
Count me in on the drawing, I'm trying to make time in my life again for being creative (whether scrapping, making cards, altering things etc.) You are so inspiring to me. Congrats on the year mark, I love keeping up on your life through your blog. Thanks--Andrea
I definitely want in on your fun drawing! I LOVE that magazine. That's awesome that your project is featured in it...would LOVE to see it!!! Congrat's on the one year anniversary!
Hey Ashley! I actually started my own blog! I knew you would be proud of me! Soon I will put pics so you can see me. But don't hold your breath, I am a slow learner but it is fun!
Congrats! What a big milestone!! I've been visiting your blog for a little while now. Not quite sure how I got here....you know how blog land is...clicking on links and finding so much inspiration.
Heather lapalapa@hotmail.com
Yeah for one year! You are brave for doin a duet too!
I'm so happy I stumbled upon your blog, I really like your style and looking at all the goodies you've found!
I'm in. I'd love your goods. And your scrapbooking stuff.
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