[You can see the rest of this book here.]
So here are my goals:
Personal: 1. Sing a duet in public. I have never done this and the thought of it scares me. But I have committed to doing it in a little over a week! 2. Take a self-portrait every day for a year. Crazy, but I'm excited about it. It will be good for improving my photography skills and allowing me a little time each day to be creative. You can see what I have so far here.
Physical: Work out 3x a week. Not a big deal to most people, but school seriously takes over my life and it's difficult to find time to do much else. ETA: Go to bed between 11 and 11:30 every week night (unless I have a huge paper pending...I have to give myself a little room here).
Financial: As a couple W and I are going to set aside money each month to build up our food storage.
Spiritual: 1. Read the Book of Mormon in the 90 days. 2. Read another uplifting book by a General Authority.
Intellectual: Get A+s or A-s this quarter again.
I also chose my word of the year (as prompted by Ali). My word to focus on this year is balance (as you can see on the inside cover of my mini book). I really want to balance my time between all aspects of my life - this did not happen last quarter so I really want to work on it for this quarter (and year).
I love fresh starts.
That's so awesome! I love the book.
I love your goals and can appreciate how measurable and attainable they are. What a great idea to have a group to hold you accountable! Oh and to have balance...that's a dream that I hope to someday realize. Let me know when you discover the secret. :)
Great goals.. I love the self portraits too!
Thanks so much for answering my question about the frame around your kitty below!
Keep up the good work.
awesome goals, ashley. so inspiring!
that is such a beautiful album!!!
What a great idea to have a goal group! It's nice that you can have support with the goals you've set! Great goals too, good luck on all of them!! And your mini book is to die for CUTE! Love it! You never cease to amaze! {can I be as talented as you, please?!} Oh, and great self-portraits too!
You are so talented! If I were to be a scrapbooker I would be the kind that copied you.
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