Sunday, August 24, 2014


Just stopping in to share a few thoughts about today. I got released from being Primary Secretary today. I've had this calling for a little over two years. I have loved it and am sad to be released. (The Presidency was released other than the President, which makes it even more difficult in a way because I loved working with the President, Tiffany.) Maybe it's because I'm pregnant but I sat in the back of the Primary room with tears streaming down my face as the Primary kids sang, "The Family is of God." I have loved hearing the Primary children sing this song this year. It's one of my favorites and will always have a special place in my heart (I used to sing it to Joshua before bed but now he only wants the songs that have actions with them). I felt the Spirit so strongly at church today. Most Sundays, I'm so busy and distracted by my kids and responsibilities, I might feel the Spirit once or twice but not the entire block. It was so strong and so present. I guess maybe to help me know it's okay to move on and to comfort me. Change is difficult, especially when I've put my heart into something. Change can also be good, though. My new calling is Activity Days Leader for the 10-11 year old girls and I'm looking forward to working with them. I think it will be good.

1 comment:

Krystell said...

Wow, congratulations on your new addition! and good luck with your new calling :0)