We took a much needed 5-day vacation to Newport last week. It was perfect in every way. We stayed in a condo by the beach. It was beautiful and had a gorgeous view. The first two photos are the view from our balcony at sunrise. This is a photo of our living room.

Britney (Wendel's sister), Ron & Connor came up the first day we were there (they live in Portland). It was fun hanging out with them for a day and wish they could have stayed longer.
We saw some sea lions. Oliver was interested, which was cute.

From what I understand, these cages are for feeding the sea lions but they like to hang out in them, even when it's not feeding time. I thought it was so funny to see one squirm his way up from the bottom of the pile, and all of the others got mad at him for disturbing them.

We took Oliver to the Undersea Gardens, where he got to touch a starfish. He is really into textures lately, so I think that was kind of cool for him.

On the dock with Dad after visiting the Undersea Gardens.

We also went to the Oregon Coast Aquarium.
Checking out a huge turtle.

Oliver seemed most interested in the jellyfish. They were pretty cool.

You can't tell too well, but there are sea lions in the water behind us.

Aquarium Village (where I found the book Where The Wild Things Are for $1.00!).

We also took turns sleeping in (Wendel made a big breakfast one morning for me while I slept in - amazing!), Wendel went golfing, I went shopping, we ate yummy seafood, went swimming and hung out in the hot tub, Wendel worked on a puzzle, and I read The Hunger Games. (It was so good! I'm on the second book right now and I'm loving it. Wendel started reading it on our way home from Newport and finished it in less than 24 hours.) We also had fun reading with Oliver.

It was so sad to leave. We both concluded that before having a child, 4-5 days of vacation was plenty - more than that and we would start to go stir-cray. But with a baby, there wasn't as much downtime, so a week is our new minimum vacation time.
It's good we had this break though. I start school in a week and I think it's going to be a difficult quarter. I loved our little break.

I love the last picture of you and Oliver! What a smiley baby.
I love the pic of Oliver and Wendall with the boats in the background..completely adorable...and Oliver's sneakers are soo cute! It looks like you had an awesome time! :)
Sounds like a great little vacation! I love all of the pictures and that you're all wearing red in the last ones. You're such a cute family. =] Oh and I also love that Wendel read the Hunger Games! haha What did he think? I noticed he is Team Peeta? Good choice. =]
Thats so great that you were able to get away and enjoy yourselves!! I loved looking at all your pictures.
awesome pictures. we went to newport for just 2 days it was so fun, but your trip sounds wonderful
we stayed right next to that aquarium village, but didn't find anything good atall :(
love the pictures!
What a nice sounding vacation. Little Oliver is sure a cutie and you look like terrific parents!!
I love all of the pictures. What fun. Of course I will want copies of all of them. Oliver seems to be getting so big. Love you
I totally see Wendel's baby pictures in Oliver's face! So cute! Glad you guys had a good time at the coast!
So cute ab!! What a cute little family. love you guys
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