1. I
finally finished my huge research paper. I have been working on this paper for months (it is the same one I was working on when I started having contractions with Oliver). I have worked so hard on it. The topic is the effects of parenting classes among low-income populations, specifically studying the program that I coordinate at
Children's Home Society called
SPARK (Strong Partners and Relationships for Kids). It is really cool because this research is actually beneficial - it will help the Federal Government decide if they want to continue funding the program, help CHSW better serve their clients, and quite honestly, it has really increased my knowledge about the program and consequently I feel that I will be better at my job now because of it. I finished up around 3:00 this morning. I was actually super nervous to email it to my professor because I kept thinking, "What if I missed something? What if there is a formatting issue or I spelled something wrong and didn't catch it?" All of that hard work and then stupid mistakes would not be cool. I actually still have clammy hands thinking about it. I am kind of a perfectionist with school, I guess, but I work hard and want to reflect that to my professors. Anyway, I am so glad that is behind me! (A special thanks to my sister-in-law, Bethaney, who is here helping us out with Oliver. Without her, I would've failed this class.)
2. So, I have
shingles. How lame is that? My doctor said it is from the stress I'm experiencing in my life. Nice. At least now I know why my left leg has been tingly and sensitive for the past few weeks. I was getting worried that it would be a permanent thing.
3. I really don't like pumping.
4. I heard about
Today's Letters recently and I checked it out today. I really like the concept of daily letters and I love that this whole site is devoted to strengthening marriages. I especially like
5. I've decided that my favorite kinds of food are Indian and Mediterranean. At least for now. Lucky me, I had both this week.
6. I wonder if I will ever scrapbook again? I miss it.
7. This picture of Oliver makes me smile. We took him on a walk around the neighborhood the other night and I snapped this after Wendel took him out of his stroller when we got home. His smiles are contagious.
I absolutly love that picture of Oliver. His smiles deffinatly contagious. I just love our little friend.
He is such a lil' cutie! You gots so much goin' on right now girl, I am totally impressed. Keep smilin'! Seriously wish we were there to help out!
so cute!!! Can't wait to see him. he looks so much like you now! :)
I has shingles a few years ago. I got it on my right forehead though, left a huge scar right above my eye brow. Glad it isn't bothering you too badly. I had massive headaches from it.
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