Cute little treat bags for guests to take.

Yummy food.

Prizes for the winners of the games. We played the one where everyone is given a little blue clothes pin to wear and if someone hears you say the words "baby" or "cute" they can take away your pin, and whoever has the most at the end wins (I lost right away...how could I not say the word cute when opening baby clothes?). We also played the one where everyone has to cut off how much string they think will measure my belly and the closest one wins.

I am in love with this blanket my mom made for him. It's perfect.

Grandma and Grandpa Roberts. They both gave very touching advice at my shower (yes, my grandpa came to the shower and stayed the whole time, actively participating in the games and everything. It was really cute).

Heidi and me. We have been friends since 6th grade. I'm so glad she could come to my shower. It was really good to see her.

Lindsey and me

My Grandma and Grandpa Herzog

My mom and me with the blanket she made for our little guy. I absolutely love it! These are going to be the colors of his nursery - green and white with accents of chocolate brown and light blue. I love the fabric that she chose and how it all looks together. This blanket makes me so excited to start putting his nursery together.
I wish I could have gotten more pictures of everyone else who came to the shower but I was a little preoccupied.
Before opening a gift, the person who gave the gift was supposed to give me advice. Here is the advice I got from everyone:
*Don't forget Wendel - Grandma H.
*Sleep when the baby sleeps - Bethaney
*Be flexible with your goals - Taryn
*Have patience. It's okay if you have a fussy baby. Roll with it. -Jenna & Kristi
*Let others spoil you - Krystell
*Don't try to please / impress the neighbors. Stay close to him in the hard times. - Grandma R.
*Use the drugs - Britney
*Don't hesitate to ask for help. - Lindsey
*Plan on giving him (the baby) time. - Diane
*Don't get offended by other people. - Mom
*Pray about things and then do them. - Heidi
*Take time for yourself - Shaunie
*Start using a swing early on. Start FHE before he knows what it is rather than randomly starting it one day when he's older. - Syd
*Remember that there is a time and season for everything. - Neesha
*Stay close to your kids. Teach them about the government and the importance of how it is run. Kids these days don't know about it and don't appreciate it. - Grandpa R.
*It's okay to let them cry...just put in some earplugs and hold them. "Kids are like fruit, they aren't ripe yet." - Kass
Thanks Mom and Linds for the fun shower!
I love all your advice! They are all perfect! And that blanket is adorable!
I love, love, LOVE that blanket! And I love all the advice, especially the last one. If only I had thought to get earplugs years ago, maybe I wouldn't be so high-strung when it comes to noise.
I love, love, LOVE that blanket! And I love all the advice, especially the last one. If only I had thought to get earplugs years ago, maybe I wouldn't be so high-strung when it comes to noise.
Ashley, I am so happy for you. And I LOVE that blanket.
all the advice is great but i really love your grampa's advice. that is so true. i want to know where you are registered so i can take a look. i can't wait to see what you do with his nursery!
so fun!!! Wish I could have been there. BTW, do you know a different Britney? 'cause I don't remember that advice, though it sounds like something I'd say... :)
Can't wait until next week when I get to come to your WA shower!
Jaimie, We are registered at Target.
Brit, the Britney at my Utah shower is my cousin Britney (also spelled the same as your name). I'm so excited that you're coming to my shower next week! Yay!
can't wait to see this little guy and see who he looks like, etc. so exciting!!
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