[Picture taken a little over two weeks ago, at 34 weeks]
I can't believe our baby is due so soon. Only 3 1/2 weeks! I am kind of freaking out. I am so not ready and have about a million things to do before then. Hopefully the stress of it all won't cause early labor. Oh my goodness. Seriously. 3 1/2 weeks.
Oh Ashley! I think you are amazing and that everything will work out just wonderful! I am so happy for you! And I believe in you :) By the way, you'll have to tell me how the Barley stuff tasted... I hope it was okay. :}
this is so exciting. you'll be great don't freak out :)
Isn't it funny how you count down the days for almost a year and then freak out when it gets close?!? You're totally prepared and will do amazing. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help out!!! Just a few more weeks and we can chat in the mother's lounge on Sundays!!! Whoo hoo!!!
That picture is so pretty. In 1/2 week you'll be full-term, that's crazy! Either you'll go to your due date and get everything done beforehand, or you won't but either way it will all work out. I'm not just saying that, it really will work out! How exciting, but it's totally normal to be nervous, too. Especially when you have so much on your plate.
You'll do great! It is a little overwhelming at first, but you just take it one day at a time.... :)
ab!! I'm so excited to meet him!! what a great blessing :) ah i can't wait!
You'll do great!! And if it helps...I suspect that some of your stress comes from outside responsibilities. The good news is that he will likely sleep a lot during those first several weeks so even though you won't be abiding by your usual day/night schedule you might actually have time to work on your homework and projects. You're one of the brightest most dedicated people I know!
Holy crap, I know!!! Can I babysit him when he's born? Me and Tommy need some practice! lol
3 1/2 WEEKS! Man, I didn't realize it was so close! You'll be a great mommy! :)
deep breaths......it will all work out! you'll love parenthood!
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