Today is my last day of my 20s. To commemorate, I will list 20 things I loved about my 20s:
1. Marrying Wendel
2. Serving a mission
3. Going to the temple for the first time
4. Touring the United States, including all of the church history sites
5. Living in Idaho, Utah, Australia, Arizona and Washington
6. Owning a home for the first (and second) time
7. Graduating from college (with both Associates and Bachelors degrees)
8. Having my work published
9. Becoming passionate about photography
10. Developing a love for cooking
11. Finally discovering what I am passionate about going to school for
12. Falling in love
13. Working and volunteering for organizations that change people's lives for the better
14. Learning how to rely on Wendel and Heavenly Father when faced with trials
15. Making amazing friends
16. Being introduced to Indian, Thai and Mediterranean food and loving all of them
17. Keeping a gratitude journal and realizing how it blesses my life
18. Starting a blog
19. Developing a love for thrift stores and garage sales
20. Having "our boys" (cats) be a part of our family
Here's to another decade of good memories.
How long did it take you to visit all the Church sites? Was it in one trip?
You have been busy these past few years! You've accomplished some amazing things!
Happy birthday tomorrow! Hope the 30s are as good to you as the 20s!
Happy Birthday, Ashley! I love how your blogs are always so positive and up-beat.. thanks for sharing!
Happy Birthday Ashley!!! Hope you have a GREAT day tomorrow!
Happy bday, Ashley! Glad you've liked your 20s. The 30s will be even awesome-er I bet.
Happy Birthday tomorrow! I'm sure your 30's will only get better than your 20's were!
I hear 30 is the new 20. ;) Happy Early Birthday Ashley! Hope you have a seriously awesome day. =)
Thanks everyone!
Andrea, it was all in one trip. It was with Ricks college and I got credit for going on the tour. We hit many American History sites, all of the Church History sites and visited many famous authors' homes. It was an amazing experience.
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