Does anyone want a free cat? He is neutered and loves to cuddle. He seems to be homeless (although you can tell that he did have a home, as he is well groomed and neutered). I am an animal lover and couldn't just turn him away so we took him in for bit, knowing it would only be temporary. He has been with us for a few weeks now. We have put up "found cat" signs but haven't had any calls, so at this point I'm trying to find a new home for him. (We love him but three cats is just too many for us.) He is a pretty young cat and looks bigger in this picture than he really is. Let me know if you are interested in a new little friend.

P.S. We have been calling him Chapman but you could easily change his name as he hasn't been with us that long and doesn't even respond to it yet.
Oh, man! a cuddler! would be perfect for Wendel... Have you tried scanning him at a vet's office for a microchip? Also, sometimes you can register him on the vet's "lost pets list". Also if you go to,, or, you could register him as a "found pet" there.
I really hope he find a home, he's so cute! As you know, Anna and Adrianne would probably not do so well with him. Too bad!
Hey, we really will consider it. We'd love to have a friend for Lola. I'll have to talk to you about it.
I was going to ask if you'd tried getting him scanned as well. We were able to return a cat to his owners by having him scanned a couple winters ago.
We've been toying with the idea of getting a pet lately, but I'm just not sure if I'm quite ready to make that commitment yet.
LOL!! I swear that I know him!! In fact, I slept with him for four nights ;0) He's a total cutie... wish that I lived closer and I would SO adopt him!!
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