I finished putting all of the application materials together early Sunday morning at 4:00am (I was trying to finish before Sunday because I didn't want to work on it on the Sabbath). The night before that I had stayed up until 3:00am (and kept W and Josh up that early, too, helping me. Thanks guys.). After church on Sunday I laid down to take a nap at 3:00pm and when I woke up it was 12:30am! I was really surprised. I guess I needed the sleep.
Here is some visual documentation of this painful process.
[Click on the group of pictures to see them bigger]

1. The reject pile. Rough drafts, papers with mistakes, etc. 2. W helping me fix the formatting on one of my documents. (He was such a huge help to me with this whole thing) 3. This is how I felt at 3:00am last Saturday night / Sunday morning. I was so ready to be done. 4. The application packet in progress. 5. A smile. Putting my application packet together. Finally! 6. Getting closer... 7. Sitting back to take a break for a minute. 8. The folder I put everything into. I labeled each pocket and put the materials inside (the application packet, transcripts, reference letters, etc.) 9. Another shot of the application materials. 10. The pretty Peace Lilies W surprised me with on Monday after I turned everything in. I love them. And him.
It might seem silly to document something like this and make such a big deal out of it but to us, it felt like one of those huge things in your life...one of those defining moments. Like my mission. Like getting married. This really feels that big to us. I have worked so hard to get to the point where I could actually be considered for this program. I guess that's why I put so much into it and was so nervous about the whole thing. I am feeling a lot of peace about it now though, for which I am grateful. Even if I don't get in, I am really okay with it because I know I put a lot of effort into it and represented myself the best I could.
I have a list of things I want to blog about. Hoping to get to that soon.
Wow, Ashley. I'm totally in awe of your diligence, patience and hard work. I have to admit, I cringe every time I read about writing papers, doing resumes, etc. I am so impressed at how well you handle it all. I am so NOT organized! Anyway, good luck!
WOW!! Talk about intense! I hope you get in! Good luck! It's a shame that after all that hard work you have to wait until March to find out.
Sounds completely fun! ;0) You will have to let us know when you hear back!!
When do you finish your degree? Just curious!? I was wondering if I could visit ya in June-ish!?!? Just wondering? Let me know if it's bad timing? Bad anything k!
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