No, I do not speak of my "dream" of graduating from college someday. This is a literal, recurring dream that I have every quarter before school starts again. It may vary slightly, but the concept is always the same. In the dream, I am at the end of the quarter. I am doing well in all of my classes, but suddenly realize there is one class I have not attended all quarter, have done no work for, and know nothing about. I attend class on the second-to-last day, stress out about the final, and wonder if there is any way I can make up the work I missed and not ruin my GPA. I always wake up stressed out, but then enjoy a huge sigh of relief as I realize it was just "the school dream." This quarter's dream occurred a few nights ago while we were in Utah. You would think my sub-conscious would finally get the fact that it's just a dream, that I would never really do anything like that in real life. Luckily, only one more dream to go until I graduate in June. Halle-freakin-luiah! (to quote my favorite mission companion).
You're not alone. I used to have a VERY similar dream. I was just thinking about it yesterday, too. Weird. I hate to tell you this, but just thinking about that dream still starts my heart racing into panic mode again.
Yes, I had the exact same dream when I was at school, but it was not relegated to the beginning or end of the quarter. I would often find myself waking up from that nightmare throughout the quarter. I LOVE paranoia! :)
I can't say I relate too terribly much because I've never had any kind of dream like that. But I will say this, we will have to have a great big fat celebration when we both graduate (even if it is over the internte) because it will truely be a beautiful thing!!
Too funny!! I have that same dream too! And everytime my heart is hammering when I wake up. So wrong! Amen to your halle-freakin-llejah!!!
I've had that dream several times as well. It still pops up once every couple of years and I graduated long, long ago. Maybe you should write a paper on the lasting psychological damage of college stress. In my dream, I sometimes end up wondering around campus trying to find this class that I've never been to, hoping I'm not too late to take the final. I never find it.
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