Behold the junk drawer. The catch-all for anything and everything that doesn't have another place.

At least it is more organized than it was. We'll see how long it stays that way.
August's project is also a quick one, which I will post soon. I am currently working on this month's project, which I am actually really excited about. I will hopefully be done soon so I can share.
Ashley, I don't believe that you would actually have a messy drawer. I think that first photo was staged. :)
good job with your "opam"... i need to get on the ball. I like your cute scrapbook stuff as well... for me, plastic bins all the way!
Wow you only have 1 junk drawer- I have like drawers, cabinets, closets :) Looks GREAT. I like the OPAM idea!
Hey Ab,
I noticed your drawer when I was there. Way to go. Isn't it fun to organize.
yay! way to go- it looks awesome
All of your "neat" pictures make me feel so guilty!! I have so many projects I haven't done yet.
Also, so cool that you're catching up on your OPAM. :)
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