I have really neglected scrapbooking this Summer. Well, really for a year, since I started the social work program. But this Summer I thought I would spend tons of time on it, but instead chose to spend all of my free time on photography. But thanks to my friend Melanie (who had me over for scrapbooking on Friday night), I did get a few layouts done the other night. I am still finishing up one of them, but here are a couple.

(My blog is cutting the side of my page off, but you get the idea.)
Pictures look familiar? They haven't even been pushed to the second page of my blog yet. That is how recent this event occurred. That being said, I am not one to scrapbook chronologically as life happens. I am more of a "I think I feel like recording our first year of marriage four years after the fact" kind of a person.

I just scrapbook some things, and let other things be recorded on my blog or put the remaining photos in an album. I don't stress myself out about getting every single event creatively recorded in an album (obviously). I also scrapbook in varying sizes, as you can see. I am doing this with my albums. I love the different sizes mixed together. You can also read more about this here.

Image by hyperb.
We had a really fun weekend. Saturday morning we did a photo shoot and then ran a bunch of errands (and I got supplies for my OPAM this month. Yay!) Then that night we went to the Puyallup Fair. No, we didn't take that photo above. It was difficult not to take our camera, but sometimes you just need to enjoy the moment rather than capturing every little thing, you know? So we did. We went with our friends Adam and Dottie. It was a great time. I've never experienced a fair anything like this one. Apparently it's the 6th largest in the country. Pretty impressive. I also must note that W was very happy to enjoy his much-anticipated Krusty Pups, which he has been talking about since last year. We even got some Christmas shopping done.
Then yesterday after church we drove to Portland to have dinner with Britney and Ron (W's sister). They made some really good Salmon. It was fun. And that was our fabulous weekend.
Ashley: your layouts are so great. the style seems to really fit with what I've seen of your photostream on flickr of late -- more modern, yet timeless. Just really good stuff. thanks so much for sharing.
What a fun weekend. Your pages are really pretty and I absolutely love that album with the different sized pages. I'm going to have to ask for one for Christmas.
We really loved having you over. I was so happy when you said you'd come!! It was a fun night. (Looking back, it would have been fun to play a game, but between eating all that food and melting the blender, who has time? :)
BTW, I'm looking for another recipe for next week, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to send them my way. :)
Your Layouts ROCK! I love the fair too...it IS hard not to take the camera...but it's a good thing to leave it home sometimes.
good pages. good times. good quote. :)
thanks for the album idea. i never thought to use a D ring album or vary my sizes but it will work perfectly for incorporating the kids artwork cuz its all different sizes. this will solve all my album conundrums. i can't wait to get a D ring for them all. i am soooo excited. i am going to my first crop this friday in practically a year. well, its almost been a year. i hope i get as much done as you did! ps paisley shoot was adorable!
I am glad Wendel got his krusty pup. Your scrapbooking pages are fun. I am glad you were able to scrapbook a little. I know how much you enjoy it.
Nice to see that you are posting some L/O,s, they are wonderful.
I think scrapbooking is meant to be a fun creative outlet, not stressful. I find I just scrap the photos I feel like doing and this takes pressure off keeping organised and up to date.
love the layouts!! i'll tell you, when i say lisa's multi-size album tutorial my life changed! it is so freeing to know that i never have to feel limited :)
Those scrapbook pages are so beautiful! I am going to unabashedly steal your good ideas, okay? :)
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