So today is National Scrapbook Day. To celebrate I'm doing a little giveaway. Leave a comment and tell me what you're inspired by (music, movies, photos, sites, blogs, stores...it doesn't have to be scrapbook related) and I will draw a name. The winner gets a bunch of patterned paper (Chatterbox, BasicGrey, 7 Gypsies, Fontwerks, Creative Imaginations, American Crafts, Making Memories, and others) some SEI ribbon, some Making Memories eyelet phrases, a few word embellishments, and some rubons. I have so much stuff and I want to purge a little so I thought it would be fun to share. Even if you aren't a scrapbooker, this stuff would be fun for making cards too. Also, if you don't have a blog or your blog name doesn't link to your blog, be sure to leave your email address so I can contact you. (You can leave a comment even if you don't have a blog - just choose "other" and type in your name.) If I can't contact the winner and haven't heard from that person within three days I will re-draw.
Have a great day! ETA: I will draw a name on Tuesday.
first off...hi!
i've been checking your blog for a bit, and love it!
i am inspired lately by blogs...i love how they connect people through sharing talents, ideas, recipies, photography, scrapbooking, etc.
i am constantly learning new things through the blogs I visit!
Hey hey!
I am inspired by the person who goes about their life quietly every day. Growing and just being awesome- often without many people noticing. I'm inspired by how these people live according to own code of conduct- not because of someone else poking or prodding them along, but because that's what drives them.
To extend that thought... I'm inspired by being able to watch people change. It's wonderful to witness people grow more confident both in themselves and in their testimonies.
PS-- your pictures are pretty and make me smile!
OK so read your last post and I am a Diamond fan too. My mom and dad took all of us kids to his concert once, amazing!
I am inspired by creating things through sewing and cooking. It makes my heart sing when I finish sewing a special project or something turns out well that I am trying for the first time in the kitchen - like today we did pizza on the grill! It was so cool, especially because it actually worked! It makes me want to keep on going and being empowered by trying something new.
Hi Ashley, I don't want to sound like a kiss up, but you have inspired me lately to learn more about photography, and blogging. I have looked at your photo blog and your flickr a ton to just get ideas. You have a great talent. Lately I have totally been viewing the world in a different way. I look at everything like I would be taking a picture of it. Noticing the small details. So...Thank for inspiring me to start up something I have always wanted to do!
I've been so inspired by blogs lately.
Tara Whitney
Elsie Flannigan
Rachel Denbow
Ali Edwards
Paper...I love paper!! It inspires me to scrap those pics thare still sitting on my desk or make a card for someone special. Or to just write a letter...something people don't do much of anymore. No matter what you're doing with it, there's a piece of paper for everything!!
Hi! I have been checking out you're blog for a while and never commented, I guess this is a good way to see who is out there! My husband served in the same mission you did, he said he checked out your blog one time and thought I would love it far more than he would LOL so here we are! I know NSD is over technically, but I am just now getting around to hopping the blog train so hope it counts! =)
I am inspired the most by 4 things, fabric, nature, fashion and children. I have the most adorable niece and nephews that are so rad and totally enjoy life and allow me to see the simple little things in life, and this translates to my layouts, cards and other paper crafts! The other 3 I could spend my day wrapped up in, they are amazing and my blowing!
Hi Ashley,
I'm mostly inspired by music and quotes I find but I really enjoy reading blogs by photographers and talented scrappers like yourself :)
Ashley this is exciting- I hope I win! Yesterday I was inspired by a rug I saw online at jcpenny.com. I had been mulling over how to decorate my front room, and the rug I saw inspired me to use all sorts of colors and not necessarily be matchy-matchy. I have been happily thinking about different colors, textures, and patterns ever since!
Hi! I'm inspired by something different every day...nature, my students, blogs, books, my family, people who make it through challenging odds. Lately I am also very inspired by reading blogs and "meeting" other people who enjoy all the things I enjoy! Get's me out of my little world sometimes.
ooh another drawing. . . pick me. . . pick me!!
I'm so inspired right now by photography blogs. Either professional or amateur. Both are fun to look at for some eye candy!! :)
i love looking at people's blogs that scrapbook. i love net searching and people's blogs are quite inspiring
Hey Ashley! What a fun idea!!!
I'm inspired by magazines! I could buy a new one everyday and be inspired. It's total eye candy to me!
hey ashley. i almost forgot to leave a comment b/c i was checking out danielle's blog. i can see why you find her photography inspiring. i'd have to say most of my inspiration comes from my d.h. i am inspired by alot of what the others said too but d.h. is the one who really helps me see who i am and what i can become. and he's always there to remind me whether i'm doin' good or off track. i owe alot of my personal growth and insight into myself to him. i would have a much harder time changing if he wasn't here encouraging and urging me up the steep hill of life.
well I'm probably a day late and a dollar short...as usual. But bright colours really inspiRe me!
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