It's been a while. I'm back from Utah and have lots of pictures to share. We got back early Monday morning (2 am) and I got the flu the next day. W got it the day after the wedding so I drove us most of the way home. I don't think I had a chance of avoiding it after 15 hours in the car with him. I actually passed out while throwing up in the middle of the night on Monday and even have a bruise to prove it. W also passed out while throwing up while we were in Utah and has a gash in his back to show for it. I can't believe that happened to both of us! But we are finally near the end of it, which means I finally uploaded and edited some pictures from the wedding to share. (Click on them to see them bigger.)

Those are my favorites. I didn't take too many because they did have a professional photographer and I didn't want to get in her way, but it was fun taking a few. I also took this one in the mirror for my picture of the day on Friday. Not the best lighting, but it works.

It was such a beautiful wedding. Lindsey looked gorgeous and they really seem so happy together. I loved seeing how in love they are and how excited they were to make this commitment. I spoke at their wedding dinner on Thursday night and surprised myself by crying from the minute I started speaking. This is very unlike me - I don't even cry when I bear my testimony. Lucky for me we have it on video so I can relive it over and over (note the sarcasm). It was raining and hailing on their wedding day but it cleared up when they came out of the temple for most of their pictures. They spent their first two nights in Salt Lake and then left for their cruise on Sunday. Saturday afternoon we went to their apartment to watch them open their wedding gifts, which was fun (except that is when W passed out while throwing up). But overall the trip was wonderful and the wedding was perfect.
I am loving my break from school. I'm excited to be over this sickness so I can organize our house before another quarter tears it apart again. I will hopefully be back soon to share some pictures of the wedding book I made Lindsey and Dylan but no promises since my internet connection hasn't been working too well...
Looks like it was a beautiful couple and a beautiful day. That sickness you two have sounds absolutely horrendeous! Hope its over soon!
great pictures! I especially love the first one!! And so sad that you were both sick (again) and passed out...scary. Glad to hear you're feeling better.
So sorry you guys were so sick - sounds awful!!
Fantastic wedding pics, though. Can't wait to see the minibook :)
Those are really pretty pics. It sounds like a totally crazy flu bug you guys got. I can't believe you both passed out- that is just horrible. Hope you're feeling better!
i was wondering where you were. girl you've had all the luck for sicko. too bad. the pics are Gorgeous...sis is breathtaking. can't w8t to c more.
Those are awesome photos Ashley!
Glad you're both better.
Glad you and Wendel are feeling better. Your pictures of the wedding are awesome. They are very artistic and I love that. Miss you guys!!
Wow, ditto to what everyone else said about your sickness! Sounds awful! I can't believe you were both passing out! Hope you're feeling better now.
On the flipside Lindsay's wedding looked wonderful and you've captured to magnificently! =) Nice work.
How horrible! I am so sorry that you two keep getting sick!?!? And I have never thrown up so much/hard that I have passed out. That is so sad! And for the both of you to do it?! Crazy! Beautiful pics! I ablsolutely love your style. You have quite an eye! Hope that you two have a fabulous quarter!
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