I am sick. I think I mentioned that W got the flu while we were in Portland. I tried to stay away, even to the point of sleeping in the guest bed, but I still managed to get it. I went to bed Monday night feeling like it might be coming and woke up around 4am with my body aching. Tuesday I spent all day in bed in complete pain, going from chills to sweating all day. The fever finally went away yesterday and I was actually able to sit up so I moved to the couch. Today I am on the couch again, still with a sore throat, cough, and cold, but feeling much better than before.
Unfortunately, early this morning I got up because my Nyquil had worn off and I needed more. I took it in the bathroom so I could turn on the light and not wake up W. After taking the medicine, I accidentally knocked over the bottle and spilled a bunch of it all over our carpet (btw, I hate that we have carpet in our master bathroom. I just don't get it. Who thought this was a good idea?) so instead of going back to bed, as my medicine kicked in, I scrubbed my carpet. Not fun. It still isn't all the way out.
But on the bright side, the flowers pictured above are from W - he brought them home yesterday to cheer me up. And he's been taking care of me, and we played Phase 10 in bed the other night when I was too sick to get out of bed but too bored to stay in much longer, so it hasn't been all bad.
I hope no one else is sick today. I'd rather be going out to eat tonight instead of eating soup I can't taste. Hopefully this will be over soon.
I wish you well! I just got over a terrible cold, everything tasted differently and I could hardly eat at all. I am so happy it is over and I really hope I am through with illnesses for this season.
So sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Hope you recover quickly.
Boooo, it's never fun to be sick :( Hopefully, you'll kick the flu and get better so you can salvage part of your weekend!
Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!
You know we went through it too, so I totally understand the misery you're experiencing. I hope W has a long holiday weekend so you have a little extra time with him around--games are always better with two. (And sometimes even just flipping channels together is nice too.) Feel better soon!
Sorry you're sick! I hate carpet in my masterbath too...Let me know if I can bring you anything!
We missed you this morning and will have to go again when you are feeling better! Delicious recc.!Hope you are feeling better!
Love ther daisy's. Bummer you two have been sick lately and I hope this weekend was the end of it for you!
Oh, so sorry you're sick. I hope you feel better soon!!! It's no fun to be sick on Valentine's Day! At least W is a doll and got you those great flowers!! BTW, I love that pic!! It's so cute!
That is so crappy that you are sick! Yuck! But even though you felt like trash, I hope that you remember how fun it is to have someone to love and share everything.....even if it is the flu! ;0)
Oh by the way, I am so jealous you went to Portland! Was it beautiful? One of these days I am going to make it. If only I can get the nerve to move there by myself....you never know. Miracles do happen!
found you via flickr...I mormon too!! super cool blog missy!
I am coming down with a cold too!!! :( Hope you feel better soon!!!
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